Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Story pt.2

Ladies & Gentlemen, I have decided that it would be easier for me ( and hopefully, more delicious for you) to release my story chapter by chapter here on my blog. I ask that you keep in mind that this is not fiction. And I remind you again that names have been changed to protect the innocent. And as always, comments are welcomed. Thank you and enjoy.

                                                                    Legal Criminal

                                                                    Chapter Two

My problems started up again when I started Jr. High school.My first week there, I met a girl names Colleen.She was the daughter of one of my teachers and a student there at the school. She was a very beautiful young woman. However, she had a slight problem with her temper and was also a kleptomaniac. For those that don't know, that means she was addicted to stealing things. Well, very soon after meeting her, we soon became a school couple. We never saw each other at any other time except when in school. One day, during lunch period, we walked across the street to the stationary store. That day, she made me an offer I could not refuse. We kissed all the time and that day, she offered me the chance to do a whole lot more if I would help her. She wanted me to "grab" a few cans of pineapple juice. Understand, this was way before shops began putting in cameras and metal detectors. The reward, in my opinion, was well worth the risk of getting caught.

Getting to school the next day, I found a note in my locker telling me to walk out to the woods behind the school when my lunch period came. Considering that Colleen wasn't there waiting for our morning kiss, I figured she just stayed home that day. When I entered the woods, however, I found her sitting on one of the fallen trees and waiting for me with a picnic lunch. It was basic sandwiches. The dessert, which surprised me, was an extended make-out session. After that, we raided the store every chance we got. No one ever said anything and we never got caught. And, our private lunches were more exciting every day.

One day, while in class, I was called to the Principal's office. I thought for sure that was it. I thought the shop owner had called the police and they came to bust me. That was not the case. I was informed that the school would be closing permanently. They wanted to send me to another school for one month to see if I liked it there. I was to start the new school that upcoming monday. When I told my girlfriend, she was quite upset. I told her to find out where she was going and I'd attend her school as well. I still had to follow the principals orders, but I would just tell him I didn't like any school until I attended Colleen's. That friday was the hottest lunch yet and she told me she'd have a special surprise when I got back a month later. There was only one thing left after everything we'd already done. I smiled and told her I'd miss her and that I'd be back as soon as I could.

When I arrived at the new school, I was brought directly to the principals office and was given the lowdown on everything. I was then introduced to the person who would be my "guide". He was a nothing little geek named Eric. I didn't like him from the start. He was a little pip-squeak and very in the closet. Gay people do not bother me. I have a lot of gay friends. This one, however, just grated on my nerves. I could tell he felt the same way about me. But, we were stuck together and I decided to just make the best of it and hoped the month would go by quickly. The first week went by without a hitch. I had made a few friends and the classes were about the same. Good people. It really didn't matter though as I has no plans to go to that school. I simply took everything with a nod and a smile. I then encounted a very serious problem there my second week.

I fell head over heels in love.

I saw her in the cafeteria one day, sitting by herself. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I just couldn't stop staring at her. I also noticed that she was watching me. Eric warned me to stay away from her. That she was a loser and off the deep end. I asked if she had a boyfriend and he just laughed. It was then that I found myself walking to her table to introduce myself. I couldn't talk for a second and she asked if I'd like to join her. I sat down and she asked me where my food was. I laughed and started to get up when Eric placed my tray in front of me, then walked away giving both of us dirty looks. It was her turn to laugh as I reached out my hand to shake hers. I spilled my juice all over the table. Not the best first impression, but it seemed to work. She was quite talkative and we finally got around to sharing our names. Hers was Jenny. She told me she had seen me in a few classes and was wondering if I'd ever get around to talking to her. I was then able to tell her about my transfer and that I'd only be there a month. She said that we'd best make excellent use of the time. Before I could ask her what she meant, the bell rung and she was up and gone in a flash.

The next day, all of my new friends and I were sitting at the lunch table and Eric was telling them all about what happened with me and the crazy girl the day before. While laughing, he got real serious and muttered "oh no" under his breath. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see her standing there looking very upset. I stood up and gave her my seat. I grabbed a chair from another table and sat next to her and she and Eric began to argue loudly. I attempted to settle things down and was told to shut up and stay out of it from both of them. I stepped in when I saw Eric was about to take a swing at her. I knocked him over the table before I realized I'd even touched him.He was then carted off by a teacher. When we sat down again, I tried to get to the bottom of things. She told me it was all concerning something that had happened between them years ago. When I asked if they were ever romantic with each other, she laughed and said not even in his wildest dreams could her get a girl like herself. When I smiled and asked if I had a shot, she smiled back and said I didn't need one. I was already "in".

The tension for the next week was horrible.Eric avoided us like the plague and Jenny affection towards me was growing in leaps and bounds toward infatuation. It was about that time that I learned a very important life lesson. Love at first sight is sometimes a very dangerous thing. Jenny seemed determined to excluded me from all my other friends. I was hers only and she was going to teach me that lesson no matter what the cost was to me. She wasn't nasty or mean about it. She would lure me away from people with all the sweetness a barely teenage girl could muster. Which was quite a bit in her case and I quickly lost all my new friends.

One day, when I came home from school, I was informed that Colleen had called me and left her number.When I called her back, she was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she asked me to meet her where we had our picnics. When I got there, she hugged me tightly and said she had both good and bad news. The bad news was that her mother had gotten a job at another school and she would be leaving at the end of the school year. I told her that no matter school it was, I'd attend. She said I couldn't as it was in another state. I held her tightly to me and shed a few tears myself. After we cried for a while, I asked her what the good news was. At that, she smiled deeply and said she decided she couldn't wait any longer. It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about. When I did, I started blushing bright red.

Right there, on the grass and fallen leaves, we shared our bodies with each other. It was an amazingly wonderful experience and one that I will always keep in my heart.Afterwards, as we lay in a tight embrace, she asked me about the new school. I told her it was ok. She asked if I had met anyone special and I assured her I was making a lot of new friends. However, no one could ever take her place as my little teacher's pet. We layed there for hours talking and touching.We made love one more time and then it was time for her to get home. I walked her home, and kissed her at her front door. She then told me, for the first time since we'd met, that she loved me. I couldn't help but cry as I walked home.

I was still depressed when Jenny found me the next day. She asked me what happened and I told her that a good friend of mine was moving away. She tried to comfort me but it was no good. She told me she'd think of something to make me happy as we ate lunch together. The next day, she pulled me off the food line and dragged me outside to a table in the back of the school. She told me she had talked to her mother and they decided to make me a lunch. I sat down and began to cry again. Jenny, being an intelligent young woman, put 2 & 2 together and asked if my friend that was moving away was my girlfriend. I, being an honest man, said yes. Even though she was pissed, as I could hear in her voice, she informed me I didn't need anyone else as I had her. When I asked her if she loved me as my girlfriend did, she told me she loved me more than anyone did. When I asked her why, she said because she knew it would be me and her together for the rest of our lives.

I was tempted to tell her that was impossible as I had no idea what would happen after summer break. However, I decided not to. I don't know if it was because of our friendship or if it was something else. I briefly considered that Jenny might be the one for me. She constantly told me that she was my soulmate. I decided to just see what happened. I had a lot going on at home and really didn't need the extra stress. That afternoon, as I walked out to my bus, I stopped and gave her a kiss. Just a peck on the cheek and told her to have a great summer. I walked away with her blushing a huge smile. It was the first real physical contact I'd show to her.

The rest of the year at my real school was very difficult. Colleen was a constant reminder of love and innocence lost. We still raided the store on occasion and had our private lunches, but it was never the same. Before, she was a firery little minx, currently, she was a sad, frightened little girl. We were always the center of attention among our friends. I, more then once, was forced to fight for our privacy. About a week before school was suppose to end for the summer, I received some horrible news. Her mother called me into a classroom and told me she had always liked me as both a student and boyfriend to her late daughter. Colleen had committed suicide one night while her parents were out. The news struck me like a rock to the back of the head and I vomited right there on the floor. I took a few weeks off and could not even force myself to go to her viewing or funeral. I just couldn't bare the thought of her being gone. So, with the exception of my finals, I spent all of my time in the woods where we had our picnics. I'd lay on the ground next to the fallen tree and cry all day and night. My friends, of course, were sympathetic. Family and teachers shared my pain and cried with me when I began to lose control around them.

And yet, thought it all. I could only think of one thing. Jenny.

I fell deep into myself that summer. I'd explode at the slightest whim and didn't care about anything. It was also about that time that I began smoking weed. My best friend, Timothy, invited me to his house to hang out one day. He knew about Colleen and and was doing his best to make me feel better. His older brother, was a dealer. I had only met his brother once before and he seemed like a cool guy. Tim and I were just hanging out when his brother came by and offered to take us out to get pizza and some videos. I guess he must have told his brother about my loss, because they were both going out of their way to get me anything I wanted and was telling me all kinds of jokes. We got two pizzas and his brother got a porn movie to go with our selections. While I watched my first porn, they began rolling joints. I knew a little about drugs, but nothing firsthand. When Tim, who was also smoking, passed the it to me, I jumped right in. Getting high is a strange experience. It can't really be described unless you're already been through it. Then the realized I was enjoying it, they rolled a few just for me. I put them in an empty cigarette pack that Tim had. Within a week, I had smoked them all. This happened several more times over the course of the summer. And when school started back up, I was a completely different person. A person Jenny considered an enemy.

From the first day, we fought like cats and dogs. Not only screaming matches, but actual fist fights. Now, understand that I was raised never to hit a woman. However, if someone, anyone, hits me I WILL hit them back. It seemed sometimes like we'd go out of our way to get in each other's face.Eric, of course, was quite happy with all of this. Much later in the year, we Jenny and I became semi-friends. During that time, she explained to me that she was really happy we had fought as we did. She said it was important because now we knew each other's strengths and weaknesses. That would lead to a better understanding of our personalities and we could love the other even more. We could use the knowledge to form a stronger, more personal relationship. I, for one, never bought into any of that crap. I really didn't care about being in any kind of relationship. It was just around that time that I started wishing I would die. I wasn't suicidal. I just hated life. Especially mine.

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